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Building Drawing -Using AUTOCAD


Measuring Commands
GRID: Displays a grid of dots at a desired spacing on the screen.
Command:  GRID (enter)
On/Off/Tick spacing(x)/Aspect:  (enter value) (enter)
SNAP: Specifies a “round off” interval so that points entered with the mouse can be locked into                          alignment with the grid spacing.
Command:  SNAP (enter)
On/Off/Value/Aspect/Rotate/Style:  (enter value) (enter)
Basic Draw Commands
CIRCLE: Draws circles of any size.
Command:  Circle (enter)

:  (pick a center point)
Diameter or :  (Pick a point on the circle)
LINE: Draws straight lines between two points
Command:  LINE (enter)
From Point:  (pick a point using the mouse)
To Point:  (Pick a point using the mouse)
To Point:  (Press return to end the command)
ARC: Draws an arc (any part of a circle or curve) through three known points.
Command:  ARC (enter)
Center/ < Start point > :  (pick the first point on the arc)
Center/End/ < Second point > :  C
Center:  (pick the arc’s center point)
Angle/Length of chord/ :  (pick the arc endpoint)
Display Commands
LIMITS: Sets the size of the drawing paper.  For size “A” drawing paper the limits should be set for                                               10.5 x 8.
Command:  LIMITS (enter)
On/Off/Lower left corner <0.0000> (enter)
Upper right corner: 10.5,8 (enter)
ZOOM: Enlarges or reduces the display of a drawing.
Command:  ZOOM (enter)
(pick a point to define one corner of a rectangular viewing window then pick a point to define the second point to define the opposite diagonal corner of the viewing window)
Note:  To return the picture to its original viewing size enter ALL and press the enter key when prompted instead of defining a window.
PAN:           Allows you to move your view point around the drawing without changing the magnification                 factor.
Command:  PAN (enter)
Editing Commands
CHANGE: Alters properties of selected objects
Command:  CHANGE (enter)
Select objects or window or Last (select objects to be changed)
Properties/:  (type P)
Change what property (Color/Elev/LAyer/LType/Thickness)?  (type Layer)
New Layer:  (enter new layer name and press enter)
ERASE: Erases entities from the drawing.
Command:  ERASE (enter)
Select objects or Window or Last: (Select objects to be erased and press enter when finished)
EXTEND: Lengthens a line to end precisely at a boundary edge.
Command:  Extend (enter)
Select boundary edge(s)…
Select Objects  (pick the line which represents the boundary edge which lines will be extended to)
(press enter when finished selecting cutting edges)
/Undo:  (pick the line(s) that need to be trimmed)
You can edit selected objects by manipulating grips that appear at defining points on the object.  Grips is not a command.  To activate grips simply pick the object.  Small squares will appear at various entity-specific positions.  By selecting an end grip you can stretch the entity to change its size.  By selecting the center grip you can move the entity to a new location.  To remove grips press CTL-C twice.  You can perform the following using grips: Copy, Multiple Copy, Stretch, Move, Rotate, Scale, and Mirror.
Creating Layers
LAYER: Creates named drawing layers and assigns color and linetype properties to those layers.
Command:  LAYER (enter)
A Layer & Linetype Properties dialog box will be displayed.  To add a new layer, pick the New button.  A new layer listing appears, using a default name of Layer1.  the layer name can be changed by highlighting the layer name.  Colors and Linetypes can be assigned to each new layer by picking the color box to assign a color and picking the linetype box to assign a line type.
Standard AutoCAD colors
1 = Red             2 = Yellow          3 = Green  4 = Cyan
5 = Blue             6 = Magenta       7 = White
Standard AutoCAD linetypes
Hidden2 = hidden lines
Center2 = center lines
Phantom2 = phantom or cutting-plane lines
Construction Commands
ARRAY: Makes multiple copies of selected objects in a rectangular or circular pattern
Command:  ARRAY (enter)
Select objects or Window or Last:  (select object to array)
Rectangular or Polar array (R/P) : (P)
Center point of array:  (pick the point around which to form the array)
Angle to fill (+=CCW, -=Cw) <360>:  (enter)
COPY: Draws a copy of selected objects.
Command:  COPY (enter)
Select objects or Window or Last: (select objects to be copied)
Base point or displacement:  (pick a point on the object to be use as a reference point)
Second point of displacement:  (pick a point which represents the new location of the copied
MIRROR: Makes mirror images of existing objects.
Command:  MIRROR (enter)
Select objects or Window or Last: (select objects to be mirrored)
First point of mirror line:  (pick a point on top of the mirror line)
Second point:  (pick a point  on the bottom of the mirror line)
Delete old objects? y or n  (enter)
MOVE: Moves designated entities to another location.
Command:  MOVE (enter)
Select objects or Window or Last: (select objects to move)
Base point or displacement:  (pick a point on the object to be use as a reference point)
Second point of displacement:  (pick a point which represents the new location of the object)
OFFSET: Constructs an entity parallel to another entity at a specified distance.  Offset can be used with  lines, circles, arcs, and polylines.
Command:  OFFSET (enter)
Offset distance or Through :  (enter a distance value)
Select object to offset:  (select object to offset)
Side to offset:  (Pick any point on the side of the object you wish to offset)
FILLET: Changes any corner to a rounded corner.
Command:  FILLET


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